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2023年5月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述一个受欢迎的人范文 世界快播报

2023-05-11 12:08:23 来源:新东方在线雅思



Describe a popular person

You should say:


Who he/she is

What he/she has done or does

Why he/she is popular

And explain how you feel about him/her

I’d like to talk about a guy in my class in university who is really popular. In fact, I’m a bit envious of him, because he is popular with everyone – the girls, the boys, the teachers, and even people we meet outside! It’s unbelievable. Although I’m a bit jealous of him, I actually also really like him! Which makes it even more annoying – he’s a genuinely a nice guy. He’s cool, fashionable, handsome, strong and always really well-dressed, but also a really nice, friendly, polite and kind, generous guy, too. It’s like he has it all! He always makes us laugh, tells really funny jokes; he always studies hard too, without being a boring geek! He always gets involved in sports and social activities on and off campus and he is always willing to help people if they need help with literally anything. I don’t really know how he manages to be so nice, and cool at the same time. He has a very even temper, he very very rarely shows it if he is annoyed about something, and strives to understand how other people feel in a really mature way. I think that’s also why the teachers like him, too – he’s quite mature and grown-up for his age really. As if he’s had a lot of life experience which he has integrated into his personality really well. I have been friends with him for a few years now, and although, like I said before, I do feel a bit jealous of him, I also really enjoy spending time with him. We go for drinks in the bar opposite university and do KTV together and chat about life, and he always attracts other people to our table, so I get to make new friends almost every time we go out together. So, yeah, all in all, he’s the most popular person I know.





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